Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to Earn Extra Income Online - Categories


     There are many categories of legitimate money making online and there are also many scams so be very careful in choosing. I’ll just discuss four of them and let you start earning if you apply this to yourself. See the list below and I will discuss each briefly to get you started. Please visit my site every now and then to update yourself on any other forms of legitimate money making scheme online.

     Here's a list of categories on how to earn extra income online legitimately. You can click on each category to view its corresponding page.
  • Buy and Sell -This applies to all items you have but don’t plan to use it anymore where you can sell it to “buy and sell” websites. This also includes antique items you can put in an auction websites.
  • Affiliate Programs - An automated marketing program where a web advertiser or merchant will pay commission to someone by referring their site or by selling their products to internet users.
  • Advertisement thru Blogging - One of the most popular of being paid thru advertisement is blogging then monetizing your site.
  • Freelancing - This is doing any skills you have during your free time and source this out to anyone needing in the internet.

     I will discuss each of these categories in each corresponding page to give you idea on how to start so that you can apply this and start earning extra income online. I will also include websites that I know in which you can use to start with and apply each scheme to earn extra income. These are just a few of the Categories but I will update this list as soon as I come across of it.

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